Like mystery plots? Like the idea of a book club? Give it a chance! Forget any complaints you might have heard about the complexity of Gene Wolfe's books. This podcast starts off covering The Sorceror's House - which is a fantastic introduction to Wolfe, costs just a couple bucks online and is a light and pretty easy read (on the surface anyway...). If you have any interest in Gene Wolfe, I can't encourage you enough to jump on board and try this podcast out.
Not sold? Read on then:
Gene Wolfe is an extremely good - but not particularly well known author. His novels typically have either a) Labyrinthine plots or b) Difficult prose that demands a close reading. His most well known books - the Book of the New Sun, of course contain both of those things.
What a relief to find a podcast that tackles Wolfe's work on a deep level, but does so in a lighthearted and laid-back way! Both the hosts have great chemistry and are excellent at breaking down and communicating their thoughts about Wolfe, while having a good time. I've read some other attempts at analyzing Wolfe's work online and it honestly typically reads like self-important "Bible code"-esque nonsense; I'm glad to say that this podcast is easy to follow, doesn't get lost in the weeds and perhaps most importantly doesn't present itself as the one "objectively correct" interpretation of Wolfe.
If you're a fan of Wolfe, you owe it to yourself to try this podcast out. If you've never read a Wolfe book but this sounds interesting - then pick up The Sorceror's House and give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen?
May 3, 2017 by InspectorRex on Apple Podcasts